Is Christmas Really About Christ?

Every year around this time, you can read all types of blogs, social media posts, articles and even watch so-called “documentaries” about what Christmas is really about. You’ll find a number of these commentaries giving information about the pagan roots of December 25th or other ancient winter solstice celebrations, and why Christians shouldn’t celebrate this holiday. While I’ll agree that many of the traditions that do indeed have their roots in paganism, are not in the best interest of a follower of Christ to practice (such as parties centered around drinking and other activities that are not becoming of a believer), I do believe that Christmas is indeed about Christ.  But, it’s up to us (Christians) to show the world what the true meaning of this time of year.

Without getting into a deep study of the history of pagan celebrations, or early church history, or even a timeline of the correct date of Jesus’ birth, we can look at one important fact.  The Bible makes a big deal out of the event of the birth of Jesus.  If you read the Biblical account of what we call the Christmas story in the gospels of Luke and Matthew, the story is a very important one.  Why?  We’ll, it’s not because God wanted us to celebrate His birthday every year like we do our own birthdays.  It’s really about the significance of how and why Jesus came into the earth the way He did.  

In our Christmas Eve service this year, the focus of the program entitled “Miracle” was on the miraculous way that the person of Jesus was conceived in the virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:20).  Jesus did not come from the seed of a man, and therefore was not born with a sin nature.  He had to come through a virgin, so there would be no dispute as to the fact that He was conceived supernaturally.  He was the only man (God-man) qualified to die for the sins of mankind, because He was without sin, and He was God Himself.  And He had to come into the earth as a man, because God gave mankind authority on the earth in Genesis 1:26.  Without the events of the birth of Jesus, the cross and the resurrection would not have been possible.  This perfect plan, which God already had in mind from the foundation of the world, was and is crucial to our belief.
So, why would we not celebrate the birth of our Savior?  Yes, we should do so every day of the year, but Christmas is a wonderful opportunity for us to proclaim this wonderful story – while the whole world is listening.  So, while we are spending time with family, eating our Christmas dinners, and opening our gifts, don’t forget what many Christians proclaim each year – “Keep Christ in Christmas”.  Remember, this is your opportunity to share the gospel with someone who has never really heard it, and to share this wonderful good news with our families.  We have been given a wonderful platform during this time of year, and the “Christmas story” is a great place to begin.
– Minister Meriam Franklin